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I Am Able - A Mini Documentary Of Me Sharing My Story

This time last year, I was fortunate enough to meet one of my brother's friends from University called Maya - someone I now consider a friend for life. We met up and I got to know Maya and her sister Aisha - we spoke about our disabilities, what it was like growing up and how our disabilities have ultimately affected our lives.

Maya went on to ask if I wanted to be involved in a documentary she was filming entitled 'I Am Able' in the hope that it would educate more people about what we, as disabled individuals go through on a daily basis, but also let disabled people know that they're not alone and can achieve great things in life.

"Be The Woman You Needed As A Girl"

I think the above quote says it all... I love telling my story because I needed someone I could relate to when I was 10 years old - I wanted to feel less alone. I want to show disabled people that we can achieve great things in life with our differences and we're capable of amazing things, despite what society says.

Opening up to Maya and sharing parts of my life that I've been scared to speak about before was more difficult than I expected, but Maya is one of those people that understands everything I have been through, simply because she has been through it too.

"Understanding is deeper than knowledge. There are many people who know you, but there are very few who understand you"

Whatever you may be going through right now, I want you to know that someone understands. I hope mine and Aisha's stories give you hope - I made it through my worst days and you will too, there is always light at the end of the tunnel although it may not seem like it right now.

I want to say a massive thank you to Maya and all of the crew behind the scenes that made me feel comfortable enough to share my story.

I hope you sit back, enjoy and take in this amazing documentary Maya has created.


Produced & Directed : Maya Schersmith- Meikle

Project Manger: Natasha Black

Cinematographer: Remone Jones

1st AC: Stainless Visuals

Sound: Katie-Jane Clancy

Gaffer: Deividas Balciunas

BTS: Tevin Kawooya

Editor: Molly Thompson

Title Sequence: Tobi Omotoso

Colour Grade: Rebecca Osborne

Catering: First Choice Caribbean Hut Lunches

Music: RAE-New Hope Film

Sappheiros- Embrance (By breakingcopyright)

Piano Ambient: Ashamaluevmusic

"You're not a victim for sharing your story, you are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. You never know who needs your light, your warmth and raging courage"

Caprice-Kwai Xx


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